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Why Are Bananas Good For Weight Loss ??

Think You need to know why are bananas good for weight loss ??

If there is a food that is low in calories and low in fat but high in vitamins, fiber, and can help you lose weight, chances are you're eating. The truth is that you can eat with nutritious food for breakfast or snack, or can complement a good dessert. Banana is one of the most natural and nutritious foods that help promote why are bananas good for weight loss, it can be a great addition to your daily diet.

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Bananas are best known to contain large amounts of potassium, magnesium, vitamin B and surprisingly low in calories. Average large ripe bananas, ranging from 7-8 inches long and contains only 105 calories.

on the site of the discovery of Health and the State Department of Agriculture data National Nutrient United States are in agreement. Based on a 2000 calorie diet per day, eat more bananas a day can bring many nutrients and only a small fraction of the daily calories. so why are bananas good for weight loss ??


Like most fruits, bananas do not have a lot of protein, but very low in fat. basis of the reports and the U.S. Department of Agriculture as large ripe banana is less than half a gram of fat. Given that there are 9 calories per gram of fat, why are bananas good for weight loss? you can eat more bananas a day and has done bad fats that can cause weight gain.

FIBER ,So why are bananas good for weight loss ??

Bananas in a high proportion of dietary fiber, which makes you feel full longer, so you do not overeat at your next meal or eat a healthy snack before why are bananas good for weight loss. Large banana contains 4 grams of fiber per serving why are bananas good for weight loss , which can help you achieve the recommended daily intake of no less than 25 grams.

index of blood sugar. You can know now why are bananas good for weight loss !!

why are bananas good for weight loss ? Apart from the many nutrients and practical container and banana is also an indicator of blood sugar is low, and can help you lose weight why are bananas good for weight loss. The alchemic index in the blood is an indication of how quickly carbohydrates are released from the food in the body why are bananas good for weight loss.


 Foods containing carbohydrates low alchemic index tens slowly released into the body. This prevents falls and peaks in the levels of blood sugar fluctuating signal your body to eat more than they should why are bananas good for weight loss.

 Company Site alchemic index in the blood and the lists of ripe yellow bananas with the alchemic index in the blood of 51 ---> a low value on a scale where everything is more than 70 nor less than 55 years is low.


Eating bananas is only part of the overall evolution why are bananas good for weight loss lifestyle including a healthy diet, exercise and cardiovascular and strength training --- that can lead to  your weight loss plan, but a small part of it.  I think You know why are bananas good for weight loss ! 

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