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Top 10 Fat Burning Foods to Help Burn Belly Fat

Everyone would like to reduce the amount of fat on their bodies, whether it is to achieve a toner look for the beach, or simply to feel better about yourself when you look in the mirror. For those of you looking to burn off fat, and potentially to increase your muscle as well, this article offers a list of Top 10 Fat Burning Foods to help you reach your goals.
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Here is a quick-list before we look at each in a little more detail:
  • Broccoli
  • Almonds
  • Asparagus
  • Spinach
  • Chicken Breast
  • Fish
  • Oatmeal
  • Yams
  • Grapefruit
  • Apples
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Broccoli - this is the original super food, which unknown to a lot of people actually helps burn fat well too. It is delicious prepared either steamed or boiled, better still with a little garlic salt applied.
Almonds - Almonds are one of the best nuts available, full of good protein and oils. Eat Almonds as a snack to feel fuller for longer. Raw Almonds are the best kind.
Asparagus - another good vegetable for burning fat, asparagus is one of the more under the radar fat burning elements. Lightly steam them and add a bit of herb salt to ad taste.
Spinach - not just good for building muscles, as Popeye knew so well, Spinach burns fat off effectively too.
Whole Eggs - Whole eggs should be consumed in limited quantities, but they are full of goodness, the old thinking that whole eggs are bad for you have recently been proven wrong. These are a proper superfood, two or three a day is perfect. Boiled, never fried!
Chicken Breast - Another lean protein, this is a building block for the body which is also useful for reducing the body's fat content. Cooked on a grill, like one of George Foreman's, this becomes even healthier, as the little bit of fat which is in the meat literally melts off and trickles away.
Oily Fish - Fish is the perfect protein. All kinds of fish are nutrient dense because of the lean protein and extremely good fish oils. Hake is low in nutrients, rather go for Salmon or Trout.
Oatmeal - By this, we are not referring to the many new varieties which come with cream, brown sugar, or some other sweetener included. We are talking about the old fashioned variety that your mother used to make on the weekends or before school.
Yams - Again another starchy food, it can also be classified as a vegetable, and it does help with burning fat.
Grapefruit - fruits do have sugars in them, but some of them help to burn fats off better than others, and grapefruit is no exception.
Apples - another healthy fruit, apples are both delicious and good for burning off that extra body fat.
Extra virgin olive oil - although this has been considered an essential oil, which may be confusing at first for those of you trying to burn off fat, extra virgin olive oil has many benefits for the body. It flushes out the body's toxins, and helps your food to digest better as well, aiding in the reduction of fat indirectly. On top of that, it sure helps to make some of the other foods listed above taste better when you saute them in extra virgin olive oil!
A Last Thought
Remember to mix healthy eating with a well developed personal training program. To lose weight and sculpt a toned body it is important to do weight training or resistance training.

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