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Easy Way To Lose Weight - Asian Tips Anyone Can Do!

How many times have you heard this "easy way to lose weight" from a TV fitness guru or other person paid to sell you a fitness product: "Just exercise more with this product and eat less." And has it ever worked for you, even once? I'd bet the answer is a definite NO.
The reality is that it rarely works for anyone. Because exercising and working out actually makes the body desire MORE food to power it. So you work out more, then you get more hungry, and then you eat more...which defeats the purpose of working out to begin with!

Today we're going to look at some simple tips that Asian women use to drop inches and burn fat easily...even right after having a baby...that you can easily add to your day-to-day life.
Easy Way To Lose Weight - Skinny Asian Techniques
There are a lot of great techniques that each could qualify as an easy way to lose weight, but for beginning clients in my weight-loss program I start slowly with easy to learn basics:
1. Use My "3-Fists" Method For Permanent Success.
Stick to a simple method to keep you under control for portions, once of the best that I teach my weight-loss classes is the "3-Fists" method.
Basically you want to have a lean protein at every meal (fish, chicken, eggs, tofu, soy, meat, etc) that is the approximate size of your 2 hands balled into fists. Then add a carbohydrate side-dish that's dense in fiber, like most vegetables are, and make that portion roughly size of the third and final "fist".
Protein is a great natural thermogenic resource (meaning it causes your body to naturally consume more calories) and it's critical that you make it the foundation of each meal throughout the day. It will quickly become your most simple easy way to lose weight after you get into a day-to-day habit of eating it.
You'd be amazed at how accurately this controls calories, overeating, and staying on a solid eating system that doesn't make you hungry again within an hour, without having to break out your calculator to figure everything out! Talk about an easy way to lose weight, it doesn't get much easier than this.
2. "Lunchtime" Can Be "Fat-Blasting-Time".
Since you're following my 3-Fists method for controlling the size of your meals, I know that you'll be able to finish your right-sized lunch meal in around 10-15 minutes even eating at a slow pace (which you should always do by the way).
So what do you do for the remaining 15 minutes of your lunch break?
You guessed it: It's time to sneak in a fun and easy way to lose weight!
Don't worry, we're not talking about running to a health club and killing yourself for 15 minutes, far from it. Instead I want you to do what millions of Asian women around the world do on their lunch break: Go for a nice walk.
Just a 15 minute walk on a flat surface twice a day, like once at lunch and once after dinner, is a fantastic easy way to lose weight more than you ever guessed.
Researchers are finding that the actual calorie-burning and fat-loss in test subjects who walk just a half hour total per day is nearly equaling the overall body fat percentage of people who go to hour-long intense cardio sessions at their health club.
It's a powerful way to get the same skinny and lean body that Asian women are known for, without having to resort to hazardous diet pills or other waste-of-money products that don't work. Start today.
What If You Still Can't Lose Weight?
If today's tips don't help you trim down your tummy fat or love handles for good, you'll want to learn a more powerful secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs quickly...without starving or doing insane workouts.

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